“Bass scores with tabs, audio and video recordings, backing tracks ...
all wrapped up into the same document, so that your work is reduced to pure pleasure.”
How2Play Bass Lessons
How2Play offers you the opportunity to download hundreds of exercises, grooves and basslines - all combined into courses, each with a specific theme.
In order to facilitate your training, all the components of a course (musical scores and tabs, audios, videos, backing tracks) are integrated into the same multimedia PDF document. Thus, with a single click, you can start the video, audio recording or backing track while also keeping an eye on the score.
Following the principle “less words, more music”, How2Play bass courses adhere to the idea of learning and progressing by playing and having fun. For this reason, music and purely musical examples form the major part in all courses, even in those which are rather technical and/or theoretical.
Furthermore, every musical application – be it lick, groove or bassline – has its own backing track. In this way ideal conditions are created for playing the proposed example, but also personal versions contextually appropriately. The possibilities of using them are endless!